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I know there's literally the word 'lonely' in the title but gosh i didn't expect this to feel THAT lonely... the struggle of being attached to a friend you cherished clashing with the uncomfortable feeling of fighting with them and all the built-up frustration... everything is portrayed very well! The art is very pretty too, I really like Isley's design <3 I'm very intrigued to learn more about this world now! Amazing work!

Thank you, I really can't wait to show more of the characters! :D


AH! This was so sad but very much relatable. So so bittersweet, I do feel for both Febe and Isley in this unfortunate cycle they're in </3 


Bittersweet is definitely a good way to put it! I did base it off of the general feeling of fighting with someone you care about, so being bittersweet was inevitable.

Also sorry for taking so long to reply, every time I went to, something somehow distracted me!


Oh nw! Thank you for the lovely game!